
summer evenings at the balcony!

Here I am again! Once I've started a new blog I'm so inspired and motivated that I can't wait to write the next post, haha.
The past two days have constisted of three things: Reading, writing and dancing.
I enjoy these days of being alone with myself. I read a lot, but I feel like I need a break of reading after every book to enjoy the aftertaste of the feelings that book gave me. I feel like summer isn't going to be very warm this year, it was barely warmer than 23°C today, which sucked. I want a hot, dry summer. I guess I'd have to move to Australia to get what I want. Anyway, I made the effort to lug two chairs and a table onto our balcony and then I grabbed The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and a glass of apple juice and started reading. By now, I've read like.. two sites? It's really hard to read, but I like that. I like books where you have to think. Oh, and naturally cloudy apple juice is good for your disgestion, as one healthy tip in passing. Oh and sitting with a laptop on your balcony and hearing the birds twitter was beautiful. I should do that more often.

Oh, and I have a new crush. Well, actually, they're two. Photo following.
Aren't they're just magnificent? Oh, so beautiful. Especially the color.

2 Kommentare:

  1. jap, sind sie. na ja, eigentlich nur die farbe, der schnitt ist echt hässlich, aber schön ist, dass die farbe das wett macht.
    und hier ist es verdammt warm - was sommer angeht.

  2. paulo coelho ist einer meiner lieblingsautoren!! :) xx
